Community Day, New Orleans, LA

Engaging Communities
Engaging communities stands at the heart of our culture. At The Domain Companies, we believe that development is about more than designing and building exceptional properties. It is about how these efforts support the greater community, and our ability to strengthen neighborhoods and the lives of those within them. Learn more about how our multi-tiered approach maximizes impact and creates long-lasting value.
Domain’s 2022 Annual Community Engagement Report showcases Domain’s values and celebrates our commitment to the communities we serve. Click below to access the Report and learn more about our work in 2022 and beyond. View 2021’s Report here.

MyCommunity Program
The “MyCommunity” program is Domain’s corporate citizenship platform, founded on the belief that companies can play a vital role in shaping our communities. The program supports local nonprofits through donations, volunteerism, and advocacy, all aligning under four pillars: support of vulnerable populations, environmental equity, social justice, and eliminating food insecurity.

Team Domain
Our team is the heartbeat of Domain, and we believe in supporting them as they pursue their philanthropic passions. Our Volunteer Time Off program allows for an additional eight hours of annual PTO to be used for volunteerism, with nearly 100% of Domain’s team participating in a range of capital and skills-based projects designed for greatest impact to our nonprofit partners and team members alike.

Resident Services
Domain's residents come from all walks of life, so we strive to provide those in-need with support services and valuable growth and development opportunities. Our resident services team achieves this by focusing on the areas of health and wellness, arts and culture, and life skills, tailoring onsite programs to the specific needs of vulnerable youth, adult, and senior residents.

Resident/Member Volunteering
Engaging communities is a cornerstone of how Domain operates its business and a core value we aim to share and broaden with including others. Consequently, we bring onsite volunteer opportunities to residents and members throughout the year. These events support local nonprofits while encouraging a sense of community and connection founded on philanthropy and social impact.
Featured Projects

Empowering Employee Volunteerism
New York, Utah, Louisiana
Our Volunteer Time Off (VTO) program is a testament to our commitment to community engagement.

Annual Food Drive
New York, Utah, Louisiana
Our extraordinary residents and members have boundless generosity that transformed our 2023 food drive into a resounding success.

Volunteer Spotlight: The New Orleans Jazz & Heritage Festival
Every year, our team volunteers at the New Orleans Jazz & Heritage Festival, an event that celebrates the rich cultural tapestry of Louisiana.

Bronx Legacy
New York
As an integral part of Domain's dedication to community engagement, our remarkable residents and staff at Estela team joined forces on Bronx Legacy backpack initiative.

New York Common Pantry Community Day
New York
Our New York team engaged in a rewarding volunteer experience during our annual community day.

Revitalizing Communities in the Bronx
New York
Domain team members enthusiastically partnered with SheBuilds and Rebuild Together New York City for the Claremont Consolidate Community Revitalization Day.

Empowering Tomorrow’s Leaders
New York
In 2023 Estela hosted a dynamic career day, in collaboration with our MyCommunity partner, DreamYard Project.

Resident Volunteer Opportunities
New York, Utah, Louisiana
We are grateful to all residents and members who actively participate in our ongoing Resident Volunteer Opportunities (RVOs) program.

The Domain Companies Gives Back
New York, Louisiana, and Utah
Celebrating Community Engagement! Read more about Domain's 2023 impact.

2024 MyCommunity Partners
New York, Louisiana, and Utah
Domain introduces its 2024 MyCommunity partners across New York, Louisiana, and Utah.

Doing Good in Greenpoint
New York
In the spirit of community stewardship in North Brooklyn, the Eleven33 team consistently seeks ways to enhance their neighborhood.

Senior Services
New York and Louisiana
Properties offer a diverse array of activities and experiences that speak to senior residents' needs.

Valuing Health and Wellness
New York and Louisiana
Residents access on-site health and wellness opportunities.

Sounds of Brooklyn
New York
In a vibrant collaboration, Eleven33 in Greenpoint, Brooklyn, teamed up with the Young Adult Institute (YAI) to present the "Sounds of Brooklyn" gallery opening.

Comiskey Playground Revitalization
Comiskey Playground, a neighborhood playground operated by the New Orleans Recreation Development Commission (NORDC) and home to an array of after-school programming, had fallen into disrepair post-Hurricane Katrina.