Emily Etland has been with The Domain Companies for five years. Before becoming the Louisiana Property Manager, she served as property manager at The Preserve.
Why Domain?
“When I first applied at Domain, I was really just looking to get into a property that was in the city [of New Orleans] since I was working in a neighboring parish (county). Five minutes into my interview with Chris [Papamichael], I was hooked as he described Domain’s mission and desire to essentially transform the city.”
What’s your average day like?
“I’m not sure that I have an average day – when your primary responsibility is oversight of a multi-city portfolio comprised of mixed-income, tax credit, and market rate communities dotted with some mixed-use developments, each day brings something different.”
What’s your favorite thing about working at Domain?
“My favorite thing is watching my staff grow. From actually growing as we add new properties to growing their skillset, I’m constantly in awe of all that they accomplish and couldn’t be more proud of my posse.”
If you could describe working at Domain in three words, what would they be?
“Thought-provoking, challenging, worthwhile.”
What do you consider your greatest achievement?
“Again it would have to be my staff – from hiring Genevieve [Oxford] to seeing her promotion to Training and Tech Specialist, I love giving people the ability to grow within the company.”
Last question, what’s one interesting thing in your office?
“I really have a tie that I can’t break – it’s either my pink hard hat that Matt [Schwartz] borrows (he really has some explaining to do), or the futon that is used to seat all of the Property Managers when we gather in my office, or as the Louisiana Corporate Office staff’s place to get away!“