One day can make a difference! National Volunteer Week 2017, held this year from April 23-29, saw 15 of Domain’s Louisiana employees work with 5 New Orleans and Baton Rouge MyCommunity partners, tallying 138 total volunteer hours.
Here are the organizations in Baton Rouge and New Orleans with whom we partnered this year:
Covenant House New Orleans: During the “Clean Out Your Closets” event for Covenant House, a youth homeless shelter, employees gathered hundreds of pieces of summer clothing as well as interview and service industry attire from South Market District residents. These items come at a critical time of year when most holiday donations have been depleted, and help aid at-risk youth with the ongoing need for appropriate seasonal and work attire.
Eden House New Orleans: Several employees spent a day completing a series of large improvements at Eden House’s residential facility for women who have been victims of sexual trafficking and forced prostitution. The amount of work done was extensive, and proved to be transformative for both the facility and employees alike.
Capital Area CASA Association: To show our appreciation for CASA Baton Rouge, a youth advocacy organization supporting children in the foster care system, employees assisted in the setup, management, and breakdown of their annual volunteer thank you event.
St. Bernard Project: In response to the ongoing recovery needs from the historic levels of flooding in Baton Rouge last summer, a team of Domain employees spent the day with the St. Bernard Project of South Louisiana removing damaged flooring and installing new wood floors in the home of a fixed-income retiree.
Ronald McDonald House Charities: Ronald McDonald House provides a “home-away-from-home” to families of seriously ill children. Domain employees started the day outdoors, pressure-washing sidewalks and landscaping the facility. Moving inside, the team cleaned and organized the toy closet before completing the day by making a meal for the 30 individuals living at the house.
National Volunteer week was established in 1974 and has grown exponentially each year, with thousands of volunteer projects and special events schedule throughout the week across the country. Domain is proud to do our part by volunteering with these great local organizations, and we look forward to expanding our efforts in the coming years.