Maison Métier

Maison Métier is a distinctive luxury hotel from Domain and the world of Hyatt in Downtown New Orleans.
The 67-room boutique hotel marks Domain Companies’ second partnership project with the world of Hyatt, in addition to The Barnett. The six-story property is located in the former City Hall Annex at 546 Carondelet Street and houses the hotel and Bar Marilou, an aperitif bar from Parisian restaurant group Quixotic Projects.
All of the hotel’s amenity spaces are designed with comfort and care in-mind, including the private breakfast room, living room, and dining room.
Property Type
Hospitality and Retail
Historic Rehabilitation -
Retail Space
Salon Salon
Interior Design
Studio Shamshiri
Development Cost
First Bank & Trust
Enhanced Capital Partners, LLC
Federal Historic Tax Credits
LA State Historic Tax Credits
LA Restoration Tax Abatement -
Completion Date
April 2019